Vicilook Academic Office is a new innovative service built and launched on 20th November, 2021 by Vicilook, whose sole aim is to enable Academics around the world to easily build, own and manage a web page where they can tell the world everything about themselves, collate everything from various parts of the web that relates to both their academic activities and non-academic activities and also create an open means to be discovered easily via any popular search engine, followed by students and non students, connect and relate with anyone from any part of the world. This is a tool that has revolutionized how Academics relate with the world and how the people in the world connect and relate with Academics.

1. Very easy way to build an online presence as an Academic and be found via search engines such as Google, not just based on your name but based also on your current career I.D, status in the institution you work for, field of practice, academic office, title, current ongoing research, past researches, professional bodies you belong to, books authored, etc.

2. Very easy to manage, as you will not have need to hire anyone or have anyone mandated to manage it for you.

3. As an Academic who is always busy and wants to make out time to engage yourself in other non academic related activities, this gives you the capacity to be able to connect virtually 24/7 with your students, as they can virtually submit their academic works to you, like Projects, assignments, etc, via your Vicilook Academic Office which will send a Notification to your email box and give you access to see and work on that student material and even get back to him or her on the same space. This gives you the freedom to not be in your ‘Physical Academic Office’ at the institution you work at but be always available to your students and anyone around the world, thereby providing you with convenience and remote access to connect with your students.

4. With this innovation you also have the capacity to give both ‘LIVE’ Lectures and ‘DROP-A-LECTURE-NOTE’ lectures via your Vicilook Academic Office on a section on the page called ‘My Lecture Hall’. On this section, which is also on the same page, you have a Virtual Lecture Hall where your students can come and connect with you at same time while your even see their names and total number of students present at the lecture session or you can quickly come on your page and drop a Lecture Note and your students will come online and download or just view it right there via our ‘Vicilook DocLooker’.

5. Your Vicilook Academic Office also gives you the capacity to disseminate your lectures in any format out there in the world, whether it’s in Audio-Visuals, MP3, MP4, Advanced Java Graphical Components, MIDI, OGG, Slides, 3D, 4D, etc, thereby giving you the power to reach out to any kind of audience IN THE WORLD.

6. It also gives you the capacity to sell your academic works, such as books and other forms of materials to your audience, directly and personally, which also enables your readers and students interact with you on a very seamless way, enabling you build a ‘True-My Posts-Audience’ around the world.

7. This also gives you the enablement to help new students on Campus discover and connect with your virtual office, when they scan the ‘SCAN2LOOK’ code (A special and personalized QrCode) that they would find on your office door (as seen in an image below) or simply type in the ‘ViciLink’ (a very short link) found under the personalized QrCode, onto their Phone’s Browser, to take them virtually to your Vicilook Academic Office, where they can relate and connect with you on any basis.

8. Via your Vicilook Academic Office, you can as well disseminate public information and announcements to your students and general followers by simply using your ‘Blog & Update’ section of the same page to simply say anything and by just clicking on the ‘TALK’ Button, you’ll simply get your announcement, memo, general info, etc, sent across to everyone following you. This makes it very easy to get a message across to everyone without the need to have their phone numbers or social network handle and without the need of hiring the expertise of any professional.

9. This service gives you the access to also generate live and dormant data (the new crude oil) via various ‘on-default’ integrated sections on the same page, such as the ‘Make A Suggestion’ section, ‘The Complaint Box’ section, ‘Book An Appointment’ section, etc.

10. You can also integrate a digital Quiz, Poll or Questionnaire to help you save time, energy and money in getting it across to your students or the general public, which also helps you generate live data on the go.

11. This replaces and even supersedes the need to build a personal website for yourself as seen in the international levels by academics in the very advanced societies, which is mainly capital intensive both to setup, public, manage and secure.

In epitome, this indigenous technology was built mainly to help every academic and student around the world connect seamlessly, at very affordable cost, even with a poor internet access, with very low power consumption to save our dying planet, save time, save human energy, make usage of technology embraceable and fun, as well as maximize our performance and efficiency in bring education closer, faster and more impactful to everyone. We are also privileged to add that we currently have some universities, polytechnics and colleges of education using this, whom are also massively contributing to improving and adding values to Vicilook Academic Office.

If interested, click ‘FOR ME’, to launch a Vicilook Academic Office just for you or click ‘FOR US’ to apply for this tech service as a Department, Faculty or School (With a 5% Discount in fee) 😊.