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Year Of Excellence
Trinity 6
Nnewi Archdeaconry
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The history and growth of St. Andrew’s DCC, Nkwo, Nnewi, could be likened to the parable of the mustard seed told by Jesus Christ in the Holy Bible. What started as a primary school, gradually grew to Teachers’ Training College with a Chapel building, and later turned into St. Andrew’s District Church, which today became the biggest, largest and most central Parish, as well as the headquarters of St. Andrew’s DCC Archdeaconry, in the Diocese of Nnewi, Church of Nigeria (Anglican Communion).
The history of Christianity in the town of Nnewi and its environs could not be told without any link or mention of Uruagu because that was the first place the church arrived in Nnewi town. The history of the founding of Christianity in Nnewi must be traced back to the establishment of Niger Mission at Onitsha on 27th July, 1857 by Bishop Ajayi Crowther. With Onitsha as its Headquarters, the Mission started to break fresh grounds by spreading the Gospel to the rest of Igbo land, beginning with towns and villages around Onitsha.
Obosi town was reached in 1882, and by 1900 the church there had taken root. From Obosi the missionaries in their characteristic desire to keep the light of the gospel burning stove to reach other towns. The history of the advent of Christianity in Nnewi town began with the arrival of a group of Christians from Obosi through Oraifite in 1893, under the auspices of Church Missionary Society (CMS) to win souls for Christ.
Though the first mission contact was well received by the Obi of Uruagu, they could not stay because of a raging inter-community clashes between Uruagu on one hand and Otolo and Nnewichi on the other. A second mission in October, 1902, however, took root at Obi Uruagu, and became the spreading point of Christianity to all parts of the present Dioceses of Nnewi, Ihiala and Amichi.
Two land donations were made to the CMS for the establishment of churches in 1907; the first parcel of land was at Uzo-Udo, where the mother church of all the churches in Nnewi, St. Mary’s Cathedral was built. The second parcel of land was at Eke-Eze. This land donation resulted in the establishment of Eke-Eze church erected in 1908. The church served as the C.M.S. Headquarters with Rev. W. Brown, a West Indian Missionary as the Superintendent. In 1909, Eke-Eze Central School, Uruagu, Nnewi was opened for formal classes, with Mr. Isaac Amobi, a native of Ogidi, as the Headmaster. For effective organization and administration of the new school, Messrs Daniel Anierobi, Ben Uyammadu and Samuel Nkemena were transferred from St. Mary’s CMS, Uruagu, Nnewi to Eke-Eze Central Primary School, Nnewi. This Eke-Eze Central School, the first C.M.S. primary school in Nnewi was attended by pupils from all the towns around Nnewi. The Late Rt. Rev. L. M. Uzodike, retired Bishop on the Niger was one of the pupils of Eke-Eze primary school.
In 1921, CMS authorities abdicated the entire structure they developed at Eke-Eze land due to internal and external challenging factors. They chose to move from the Central School, Eke-Eze to St. Thomas CMS Church compound, Akwudo, Otolo, Nnewi. They preferred Akwudo, which was much smaller in size and farther away from Nkwo Nnewi Market, a centre of commercial and social activity. This they called Nnewi Central School instead of Eke-Eze already known and celebrated. “Regrettably, Eke-Eze primary school became defunct as a result of the decentralization of primary schools to their various quarters of Nnewi and the entire land lost for lack of vision. Today, only a small fraction of the land could be bought back from the local people after many years of desertion.”
When Nnewi Anglican Communion came back to appeal for the return of the land at Eke-Eze, they were told without mincing words that they were no longer serious or interested in their mission. After much persuasion, part of the Eke-Eze mission land was later sold to them. That is the present site of Bishop Uzodike Memorial Seminary, Nnewi.
It is also noted that when Bishop LM Uzodike passed the Standard Six at the end of his primary school programme at Eke-Eze in 1920, “he was employed and posted to St. Thomas CMS, Otolo, Nnewi as pupil teacher in 1921. At this time the Nnewi Central School was temporarily moved to Otolo, Nnewi, pending the acquisition of a really central place (the present site of St. Andrew’s Diocesan Church Centre) where the school would be permanently established as Nkwo Central School.”

In the meantime, Nnewi Anglican Communion appointed Land Negotiating Committee (LNC) to meet with the family of Umu-Ezeagbuludike in Okpunoegbu, Umudim, Nnewi. The committee met the family as directed and requested them to offer the C.M.S. Church a portion of their land, close to Nkwo, Nnewi Market for the construction of C.M.S Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi. The family granted the committee’s request. The construction of the school blocks started in 1924 and was completed in 1926. In 1927, the famous C.M.S. 3 Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi took off. Subsequently, the pupils from St. Thomas CMS School, Akwudo, Otolo, Nnewi, were transferred to CMS Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi. The school served the neighboring towns like Nnobi, Ozubulu, Ukpor, Okija, Oraifite and Ichi.
In 1941, the Church Missionary Society (CMS) opened a vocational school at Nkwo, Nnewi, where women about to wed were trained. When the school closed, Nnewi Anglican Teachers’ Progressive Union (NATPU) in 1944 appealed to the Rev. Osadebe, the Nnewi District Superintendent, for a hostel for the female teachers of the Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi. The Superintendent granted the defunct vocational hostel to them and it became the residential quarter of female teachers of Nnewi Central School and Uruagu CMS School which was an Annex school to the Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi.
Due to shortage of trained teachers in the CMS schools in the old Diocese on the Niger, because St. Paul’s College, Awka, was the only Elementary Training College (ETC) in the Diocese on the Niger, the CMS in 1955 decided to establish the Elementary Training College (ETC) at the site of CMS Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi.
In 1956, Elementary Training College (E.T.C.) was established at a section of CMS Central School, Nkwo Nnewi. Mr. David Ogbogu from Onitsha was the pioneer Principal of the Elementary Training College (ETC) Nkwo, Nnewi. When the Elementary Training College1 (ETC) was phased out, it was replaced with St. Andrew’s ‘ Teachers’ Training College for the production of Grade I Teachers. Soon after the Nigeria/Biafra Civil War, the College was closed down by merging it with St. Charles College, Onitsha. All the property of St. Andrew’s ETC was transferred down to Onitsha. The Nnewi Anglican Teachers’ Progressive Union (NATPU) made moves to get a Teacher Training College established in Nnewi, The move yielded a good result. In 1981, another Teacher Training College was sited at Okofia, Otolo, but the area given to the Government for the College enclosed Christ Anglican Church, Okofia which was established in 1957. However, Igwe Kenneth Orizu III gave permission for the Anglican community to fence out the Christ Anglican Church from the T. T. C. site.
During the Biafra or Nigeria Civil War, Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi, was shifted to the premises of St. Paul’s Church, Nnewichi, Nnewi. Clifford Atuegwu, a product of Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi, who was school master in charge of Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi, during the Nigerian Civil War, worked very hard to keep St. Paul’s CMS School, Nnewichi (a very young school) going by merging it with Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi that was shifted to Nnewichi. It is on record that during the Nigerian Civil War, St. Paul’s School, Abubor, Nnewichi was absorbed by Central School, Nkwo, Nnewi, temporarily re-located in St. Paul’s premises, Nnewichi, Nnewi.
Thus, Central School Nkwo, Nnewi (later named Nnewi Model Primary School) of DCC District was among the schools taken over by the Anambra State Government in 1970. According to the Diocesan Education Committee’s Report to the first Synod of the Diocese of Nnewi held at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Uruagu, Nnewi, 29th June to 2nd July, 1996, “the new Diocese inherited two post-primary and one post-secondary institution from the Diocese on the Niger. They are All Saints’ Secondary School, Oraifite, Bishop Patterson Memorial Secondary School, Mbosi and St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi”.

In order that the school compound should not lay waste the Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese on the Niger, Rt. Rev. Lucius M. Uzodike met with the Niger Diocesan Board in 1971, and decided to change the name to Diocesan Lay Training Centre (DLTC). The same year (1971), the Revd Clifford Uzoechi Okpala from Ogbunka was made the first Principal of the Diocesan Lay Training Centre (DLTC), Nkwo, Nnewi.
In January, 1974, Revd Joseph Prince Chikwendu Okeke from Awka-Etiti took over from Revd. C. U Okpala, as the Principal of DLTC. Until now, the site of these institutions had not been fenced. At the Nnewi Anglican Teachers’ Progressive Union’s annual meeting of 1975, the need to wall the area was highlighted. As the site belongs to the Diocese on the Niger, Rev. Canon L. A. Dike (indigene of Nnewi and member of NATPU) and other members of Diocesan Church Council were mandated to see the premises was fenced.
Revd. J. P. C. Okeke served as Principal from January, 1974 to 1975. When J.P.C. Okeke travelled abroad on study leave, Revd. Lewis Chukwujindu Mgbemena (from Ozubulu) became the Principal of DLTC in 1976. Mgbemena served from 1976 to 1978. From 1979 to 1981, Revd. Felix Eriobuna served as the Principal.
In 1982, Revd. Enoch Sunday Umeoranefo from Ekwulumili returned from Cameroon and took over from Revd. Eriobuna.
It was during this time of Revd. Umeoranefo that St. Andrew’s DCC Church building Committee was inaugurated. The first .Chairman of the Church building Committee was Chief Z. C. Obi; and later Sir Aaron Okoye of Umuezeagu, Uruagu, Nnewi, became the Chairman, while Chief David Okoli from Okofia, Otolo, Nnewi was the Secretary of the Church building Committee. You could recall that in 1931, Chief (then Mr.) Z. C. Obi from Aba branch wrote a letter congratulating Nnewi Anglican Teachers’ Progressive Union (NATPU) for the useful functions they had done at Nnewi and suggested having a combined church for all Nnewi Quarters. After deliberation on the letter, the Secretary Rev (then Mr.) F. A. Oruche, was mandated to reply him that it was not yet time to embark on that project. The church building Chief Z. C. Obi had in mind was St. Andrew’s Church, DCC, Nnewi. This was the reason he spearheaded the building of the church later on.

To make more beneficial use of the institution, the Diocesan Bishop of the Diocese on the Niger, Rt. Rev. Jonathan Arinzechukwu Onyemelukwe and the Diocesan Board changed the name of the Diocesan Lay Training Centre (DLTC) to Diocesan Church Centre (DCC) in 1983. This was done because the centre was also used for Ordination Training Course (for Ordinands) and Post Ordination Training Course (for Deacons). Revd. Canon Dr. J. P. C. Okeke returned from overseas and was made the first Rector of the Diocesan Church Centre in 1983. The Rector and Tutors of DCC continued training and preparing Catechists, Church Teachers and Lay Readers; including Ordinands and Deacons this time.
The Sunday Services and weekly activities were carried out in the small Chapel, while works continued in the main church building. Nnewi Anglican community spearheaded the church building project of DCC, Nnewi. Honorable Justice C. J. Okoli made a huge donation for the roofing of the church. The church building was completed in 1983; and with the kind permission of the Bishop of the Diocese on the Niger, the worshippers started making use of the church for the Sunday worship; even though the foundation stone laying ceremony had not been performed by the Bishop.

On 22nd August, 1986, the Foundation Stone Laying Ceremony of St. Andrew’s Diocesan Church Centre (DCC), Nnewi was performed by the Rt. Revd. Dr. J. A. Onyemelukwe, Bishop, Diocese on the Niger.
Records indicate that Revd. Canon Dr. J.RC. Okeke served from January, 1983 to the end of 1991.
In January, 1992, Revd. Canon Benson Chukwuenye Okoli from Orsumoghu took over from Revd. Dr. J.RC. Okeke as the Rector of Diocesan Church Centre.
“Sometime in 1994, the Rev. Canon B. C. Okoli approached the Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Revd Jonathan Arinze Onyemulukwe and requested for release to go home and rest, his reason being that he was becoming advanced in age. Reluctantly the Bishop accepted and in the same year December, 1994, he and his wife retired from active church work”.
January 1995, the Revd Canon Dr. Ebenezer C. Nwabufofrom Awkuzu took over from Rev. Canon B. C. Okoli. In 1995, during the time of Nwabufo, the painting of St. Andrew’s DCC church building started and was completed in 1996. The church was painted. The A.Y.F. of DCC was the catalyst that helped spur the Church into the action of painting the Church auditorium inside out with its initial donation of N30,000.00 (Thirty Thousand Naira).
Revd Canon Dr. Ebenezer C. Nwabufo was appointed and collated as the pioneer Archdeacon of the newly created Nnewi Archdeaconry. He subsequently moved to St. Thomas’ Otolo, Nnewi, the new Archdeaconry Headquarters in 1996. The Revd Canon Enoch S. Umeoranefo, formerly of St. Luke’s District, Ibolo, Oraifite, moved in as the new Rector, in January 1996.

St. Andrew’s Diocesan Church Centre was very much involved in the planning, organization, mobilization for the new diocese (Diocese of Nnewi). The Diocesan Church Centre hosted most of the meetings connected with the planning and inauguration of the Diocese of Nnewi on February 14, 1996.
St. Andrew’s Diocesan Church Centre, Nkwo, Nnewi, which hitherto had remained a church centre, was in the year 1996 elevated to a District status by the Bishop of the Diocese of Nnewi, Rt. Revd. G. I. N. Okpala.
It is worthy to note that the Diocesan Church Centre Lay delegates to the First Session of the First Synod of Diocesan of Nnewi included Chief Jonathan O. S. Ufondu, Sir Boniface Ikeagwuonwu (later changed to Ikechukwu), Mrs. Uche Anagbaoso, Mr. J. C. Orakwue and Mr. Oliver Onuigbo.
During that historic synod held at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Uruagu, Nnewi from 29th June to 2nd July, 1996, the Bishop, Rt. Revd Dr. G. I. N. Okpala constituted what was described as Neighbouring Workers Fellowship (NWF). Workers met from time to time to review and appraise church performances. This arrangement was also expected to help more people to have deeper sense of belonging.Uruagu Neighbouring Workers Fellowship comprised Uruagu Pro-Cathedral District, Nnewichi District and DCC District. During the time of Rev.’Canon Enoch Umeoranefo as the Rector of St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi, some candidates of In-Service Ordination training graduated; and on Sunday, July 14, 1996, at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Uruagu, Nnewi, the Diocesan Bishop, Rt. Revd Godwin I. N. Okpala ordained them. Also, when there was need to replace St. Andrew’s Church wooden pulpit, lectern and reading desk, Chief Sir Alex Chika Okafor was approached for help; graciously, he responded by donating Mable pulpit, Mable lectern and Mable reading desk. All these are still standing in the church today.

It is also on record that a day Synod was held at St. Andrew’s DCC District in 1996 for ratification of the Nnewi Diocesan Constitution. In Chapter Twenty Five, page 76 of the Principles, Regulations and Constitutions of the Diocese of Nnewi it was stated that “the constitution of the Diocese of Nnewi was discussed and ratified at the one day Synod of the Diocese of Nnewi held on the 14th day of November, 1996 at the St. Andrew’s Diocesan Church Centre, Nnewi.”

In January, 1998, Rev. Stanley Nzube Awuzie took over from Revd Canon Enoch S. Umeoranefo as the Rector and Superintendent of St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi. To the glory of God and for the extension of His kingdom, on 17th day of May, 1998, St. Andrew’s Diocesan Church Centre worship building was dedicated by Rt. Revd. G. I. N. Okpala. Also, St. Andrew’s DCC Brigade Office Complex was dedicated on 13th February, 2000 (during the enrolment of the Boys Brigade) by Rt. Revd. G. I. N. Okpala. In the year AD 2000, the two offices namely of Rector and Vicar formerly held by one person, were separated with Rev. Canon Stanley Awuzie as the Vicar of St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi. Rev. Canon Awuzie handed over the office of the Rector of the DCC (Institution) to Rev. Canon Godwin Egbuna Agba.
Rev. Canon Awuzie made unprecedented achievements spiritually and physically in the church. It is on record that it was during the time of Ven. Awuzie as Rector and Superintendent that the following projects were carried out: (a) Four Storey building of a block of 13 flats for Church Workers accommodation, (b) Alive Unto God Plaza (revenue generating shops) at St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi, (c) drilled two functional bore-holes in the compound, (d) acquired a large expense of land and built two storey building, four classroom blocks, modern library and relocated the Model Primary School, Nkwo, Nnewi. (e) The St. Andrew’s DCC church compound was completely fenced with fortified concrete and iron foundation for lasting existence, (f) The Church acquired a large expanse of land at Ozubulu in Ekwusigo LGA for future expansion, (g) Fuel dump was provided to alleviate Diocesan workers and church members’ untold hardship from the usual fuel scarcity in Nigeria, (h) The church procured and installed three generating sets to empower the Air Conditions installed in the church and also minimize the incessant power failures in the compound, (i) During his tenure, Women’s Project of Ultra-Modern Kitchen, was carried out.
In the area of spiritual healing and deliverance, Rev. Canon Awuzie manifested divine grace. He showed unmatchable dedication to duty and devotion to God. By God’s favour, his gifts and ministry of healing, deliverance and faith clinic at DCC, Nnewi were sustained. The Tuesday Prayers and Wednesday Faith Clinic were effective and attracted multitudes to St. Andrew’s Church DCC. Healing miracles, signs and wonders followed his ministries throughout.
A lot of things really changed when he arrived at St. Andrew’s DCC; and as a result this earned DCC the name “Home of Excellence and Miracle Centre”. Ven. Awuzie is a man of unflinching faith and trust in the Lord. His watch word is that God is exceedingly, abundantly able to do more than we can ask.
During the 2001 Diocesan Synod at Osumenyi, Rev. Canon Stanley Awuzie was appointed Archdeacon in charge of Prayer and Deliverance Ministry Diocese of Nnewi by the Diocesan Bishop. On Sunday, 9th September, 2001, the Collation and Installation Service of the Revd. Canon Stanley Nzube Awuzie as the Archdeaconry in charge of Prayer and Deliverance Ministry, Diocese of Nnewi by His Lordship, the Revd. G. I.N. Okpala, Bishop of Nnewi Diocese, took place at St. Andrew’s Church, DCC, Nnewi.
On 4th February, 2004, during the meeting of Nnewi Diocesan Board at St. Simon’s Church, Ezinifite, St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi was carved out of Pro-Cathedral Area Archdeaconry and elevated to the status of a Special Archdeaconry. In the same year 2004, St. Andrew’s DCC Special Archdeaconry was inaugurated with Ven. Dr. Stanley Awuzie installed as the pioneer Archdeacon. At the time of DCC Archdeaconry inauguration, St. Andrew’s Parish was made up of St. Andrew’s Church DCC, Nnewi and Chapel of Redemption, NAUTH, Nnewi.
The Diocese of Nnewi played host to a lot of national meetings since its inception and under the leadership of ourfirst Bishop, Rt. Revd G. I. N. Okpala. Some of these meetings were held at St. Andrew’s Church DCC, Nkwo, Nnewi which include: 2001 Anglican Youth Fellowship (AYF) National Bible Study Conference; 2005 Evangelical Fellowship in the Anglican Communion (EFAC) 2005 National Clergy Retreat/General Convention; Church of Nigeria Standing Committee and Mothers’ Union Executive Meeting from 25th to 29th March, 2008.
The increase in population of members prompted the extension, reconstruction and beautification of the church within some months to depict the name Special Archdeaconry and Centre of Excellence. Chief Sir Alex Chika Okafor played major role in the reconstruction of the church building. In fact, he took care of the extension of the chancel, furnishing and painting of the church as well as other things. Special feature of this extension and reconstruction worth mentioning is the underground basement floor designed for administrative offices, committee rooms, and store rooms. The main building is capable of accommodating about 4035 worshippers at a time. On 30th November, 2008, St. Andrew’s (DCC) Church building was re-dedicated by Rt. Revd. Dr. G.I.N. Okpala. Finally, Ven. Dr. Stanley Nzube Awuzie was transferred to St. Matthew’s Anglican Church, an Archdeaconry headquarters of Ozubulu Archdeaconry, Ozubulu town during Diocesan Location and Appointment Board of December, 2009.

In January, 2010, Ven. Barr. Alexander Nnamdi Adichie from Ogiditook over from Ven. Awuzie, as the Vicar and Archdeacon of St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi. During 2010 presidential address of the Rt. Revd Prof. Godwin I. N. Okpala, Bishop, Diocese of Nnewi, at the Third Session of the Fifth Synod of the Diocese at St. Mary’s Pro-Cathedral, Uruagu, Nnewi, on Monday, 7th June, 2010, the Diocesan Bishop declared that “St. Andrew’s DCC Special Archdeaconry hence forth be known as St. Andrew’s DCC Archdeaconry with the following Churches as part of the Archdeaconry, St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi, Church of the Messiah, Nnewi, Our Saviour’s Anglican Church, Nnewi and Chapel of Redemption, NAUTH, Nnewi”. During the time of Ven. Barr. Alex Adichie and his wife Mrs. Uche Adichie, the Fifteen Annual Diocesan Women’s Conference was held at St. Andrew’s DCC, Nkwo, Nnewi, from Friday, 23rd to 25th July, 2010. Ven. Adichie and his wife were commended for a good preparation put in place to host the Diocesan Conference.
During this period, St. Andrew’s DCC, developed a Welfare Ministry that has gained great recognition. The Ministry has been positively impacting on many lives through the Welfare Committee of the church. Ven. Adichie empowered Men of Praise Gospel Singers of St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi. The church procured a hitech audio system and complete musical equipment for both outdoor and indoor programmes to the tune of about N2, 200,000.00 (Two Million, Two Hundred Thousand Naira). The Nkwa Group of St. Andrew’s DCC Women began in his time also. He mobilized all the widows in the church and had a two-day programme for all of them and duly inaugurated their fellowship named the “Zeraphat Women’s Fellowship” on Sunday, 24th February, 2011.
In July, 2011, Ven. Barr. Alex Adichie became very sick and was admitted to a private hospital at Onitsha. He went to be with Lord on Saturday, 23rd July, 2011. He was buried on Wednesday, September 14, 2011, at St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Ogidi, at the age of 41. His first Curate, Rev. Alphonso Ireoba (from Akwaihedi) was in the acting capacity as the Vicar until Thursday, 12th January, 2012.

Rev. Canon Dr. Joseph Ikechukwu Okafor arrived on Thursday, 12th January, 2012 as the Vicar and Canon Administrator of St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi. Five months later, he was preferred Archdeacon on Monday, June 4, 2012, during Nnewi Diocesan Synod held at St. Luke’s Church, Ibolo, Oraifite, Ekwusigo LGA. His collation and installation took place at the Cathedral Church of St. Mary, Uruagu, Nnewi on Sunday, December 9, 2012.
During the time of Ven. Okafor, the church purchased a brand new hummer bus for church use; and another bus (L300) for the Kings Nursery and Primary School. The church also renovated one of the old structures and converted it to Archdeaconry/Parish Office, which serves as PCC Conference room as well; while the other side of it was used for Health Centre for the church. The block work and roofing of the women kitchen building project was completed at this time. The church also got some blocks ready for building of new two-storey structure for the Kings’ Nursery and Primary School. There was purchase and installation with full equipment of mass communication and media gadgets for the church to boost TV evangelism ministry.
The church founded a new private school for post primary students, Kings Secondary School, DCC, Nkwo, Nnewi. Indeed, Kings Secondary School started in a grand style on September 9, 2013 with a good turnout of 118 students in class one of Junior Secondary School (JSS1).
In December, 2013, St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi, planted her first church at Akabor, Umuenem, Otolo, Nnewi. The church was named the New Jerusalem Anglican Church, Akabor, Umuenem, Otolo, Nnewi. Mr. Ikechukwu Kingsley Chibueze, the Coordinator of St. Andrew’s DCC Friday Deliverance Hour of Liberation took care of this new church, until his confirmation as a Church Teacher in December, 2015. Ven. Joseph lyke Okafor left in January, 2014 for St. Mary’s Cathedral, Uruagu, Nnewi.

Ven. Okechukwu Christian Emeribe, the next Vicar and Archdeacon of St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi, arrived in January, 2014. The present Vicar’s hard work was immediately noticed at his arrival, when within twenty one (21) days in January, 2014, the old Vicar’s/Archdeacon’s House was renovated. Also, the Kings Nursery and Primary School main block and DCC Old Chapel were renovated and re-roofed through the help of Senator Andy Ubah. Between 2014 and 2015, DCC’s women contributed to the progress of the church by fixing the almaco frame, ceiling and plastering church women’s Kitchen building project.
St. Andrew’s DCC has remains the centre where important Diocesan, Inter-Diocesan and Provincial meetings are held. During the time of Ven. Ok. C. Emeribe, the Diocese of Nnewi hosted one of these meetings. The Episcopal Synod of the Province of the Niger and the Provincial Council met in the St. Andrew’s Church, DCC, Nnewi from September 16 to 17, 2015, to deliberate on ways to move the province forward.
It is worthy to note that many developments both structurally and spiritually have been recorded within this space of time under the present leadership. The church recently purchased a gigantic three storey building. The three storey building is located opposite DCC Model Primary School. The church also started the construction of a two storey building-classroom block at the Kings’ Nursery and Primary School, DCC, Nnewi. Renovation and painting of Kings’ Secondary School, DCC, Nnewi also took place this time. Erosion control was put in place by construction of culverts within the church compound. Presently, rain drops are properly channeled and directed accordingly. In December, 2016, a newly designed shopping complex building project began within St. Andrew’s Church (DCC) compound. It is expected that the building project will contain more than twenty stores.
By the help and guidance of the Holy Spirit, the Vicar introduced twelve viable Bible Study Families of St. Andrew’s Church DCC, which consistently meets within the Sunday Church Service. Many among the congregation have given testimonies of spiritual growth through this DCC Family Bible Study Class. The DCC Bible Study Family complements model discipleship class which holds on every Monday by 5:00pm. All this makes for spiritual rejuvenation.
1.​Bethel – ​Ven. Ok. C. Emeribe from inception.
2.​Calvary-​Rev. Onuchukwu from Rev. Nvene, from Rev. Egwuatu.
3.​Faith – ​Rev. Canon Matthew Nwafuluaku from inception.
4.​Favour-​Mr. Caleb Udochukwu Nwanolue from inception.
5.​Mercy-​Rev. Ifemeludike from Canon John Ugo Okoli.
6.​Miracle-​Rev. Ogom Okpala took over from Rev. Chika Onyeizugbe.
7.​Overcomer- Rev. Canon Barnabas Nwajide from Clifford Chukwukanma.
8.​Shalom-​Ven. Dr. A. Dike took overfrom Ven. Dr. Ernest Ezumezu.
9.​Treasure-​Mr. Jaachimma Chukwuka from inception.
10.​Triumph-​Rev. Canon Dr. Nelson lluno from inception.
11.​Victory-​Mr. Caleb Egbuim took over from Evang. Joshua Agu.
12.​Winners-​Rev. Canon Dr. Maurice Agu from inception.”
Venerable Ok. C. Emeribe as the Vicar in good time formed and inaugurated 2017 Synod Central Planning Committee. All the sub-Committees had enough time to plan and to deliver good results for the 2017 Diocesan Synod. Mr. Chris Akuwa is the Chairman of the Synod Central Planning Committee; Comrade Izuchukwu Nwabueze is the Coordinator of the International Coordinating Committee, while the Local Mobilization Committees are formed in churches within the Archdeaconry.
Below is a chronological list of priests (Curates, Tutors, Principals, Rectors, Superintendents, Vicars and Archdeacons) and Lay ministers who were privileged to serve the Lord at St. Andrew’s Diocesan Church Centre, Nkwo, Nnewi. These messengers of God and winners of souls have in their ways contributed to the nurturing and spiritual growth of the members of this congregation. We therefore remain grateful to God for using every one of them.

1971-1973:​​Rev. Clifford Uzoechi Okpala. (Ogbunka)
1974-1975:​​Rev. Joseph Prince Chikwendu Okeke (Awka-Etiti).
1976-1978:​​Rev. Lewis Chukwujindu Mgbemena (Ozubulu)
1979-1981:​​Rev. Felix A.A Eribuona (Ihiala)
1982:​​​Rev. Enoch Sunday Umeoranefo (Ekwulumili)
1983-1991:​​Rev. Canon Dr. Joseph Prince Chukwendu Okeke (Awka-Etiti)
1992-1994:​​Rev. Canon Benson Chukwueneye Okoli (Orsumoghu)
1995-1995:​​Rev. Canon Dr. Ebenezer C. Nwabufo (Awkuzu)
1996-1997:​​Rev. Canon Enoch Sunday Umeoranefo (Ekwulumili)
1998-2009:​​Ven. Dr. Stanley Nzubechukwu Awuzie (Azia)

2010-2011:​​Ven. Barr. Alexander Nnamdi Adichie. (Ogidi).
2012-2013:​​Ven. Dr. Joseph Ikechukwu Okafor. (Nkweile-Ezunaka).
2014-2020: ​Ven. Christian Okechukwu Emeribe. (Ogbunka).
2021-till date:​Ven. Dr. Emmanuel Chiadikaobi

1984-1986:​​Rev. Daniel Anene. (Awka).
1986-1996:​​Rev. Canon Augustine C. Ezeigwe. (Aguluezechukwu).
1996-1997:​​Rev. Matthew Nwafuluaku. (Orsumoghu).
1996-1996:​​Rev. Dr. Innocent Okeke (Amichi).
1998-1998:​​Rev. Joseph Ikechukwu Okafor (Nkweile-Ezunaka).
1998-​1999:​​Rev. Abel Dike (Umueshi, Imo).
1999-​2000:​​Rev. Canon Godwin Egbuna Agba. (Ezira).
1999-​2000:​​Rev. Christian Akabogu (Awka).
2000-​2000:​​Rev. Johnson Maduka (Awkuzu).
2001-​2003;​​Rev. Canon Ebenezer Ndubisi (Ihiala).
2003-​2003:​​Rev. Godfrey Mortanya (Obosi).
2004-​2005:​​Rev. Jonathan C. Umeasiegbu. (Umuchu).
2006-​2009:​​Rev. Vincent Ifemeludike. (Nnobi).
2007-​2009:​​Rev. Ernest I. Anekwe. (Uga).
2007-2009:​​Rev. Dr. Obiora Cyril Chukwuma Nwosu. (Ezinifite).
2009-​2012:​​Rev. Alphonsu Ireoba. (Akwaihedi).
2010-​2010:​​Rev. Ekene Remigius lroanusi. (Nkerehi).
2010-​2012:​​Rev. Overcomer lfeanyi Anusiuba. (Oraifite).
2011-​2015:​​Rev. Chika Onyeizugbe. (Umuchu).
2013-2013:​​Rev. Louis Chukwukpe Ejiofor. (Oraifite).
2013-​2014:​​Rev. Isaac Tochukwu Egwuatu. (Nnewi).
2014:​​​Rev. Canon Matthew Nwafuluaku. (Orsumoghu).
2015-​2016:​​Rev. Victor Osy Nvene. (Amodu.Awkunanaw, Enugu).
2016:​​​Rev. Godwin Ogom Okpala. (Akpo, Aguata LGA).
2017:​​​Rev. Edwin Onuchukwu (Ojoto).

1991-1992:​​Ndubisi Mbamalu. (Nnewi).
1993-1996:​​Samuel Anowai. (Ezinifite-Aguata).
1996 -1997:​​Kenneth Maduka. (Awka).
1998-1998:​​Israel Uchenna Ndukwe. (Ozubulu).
2000-2000:​​Henry Nzube Nduka. (Okija).
2000-2004:​​Ani Chiadikobi Levi Emma. (Odume, Aninri LGA, Enugu).
2004-2007:​​Idris Jatau. (Jada, Adamawa).
2006 – 2008: ​Benjamin Nlemchukwu.
2008-2009:​​Prince Chukwuma. (Awka-Etiti).
2008-2012: ​​Catechist Daniel Arinze. (Nnobi).
2010-2010: ​​Michael Nwachukwu (Oputa). (Obosi).
2010-2010: ​​Cyril Okeke.
2010-​2015: ​​Evang. Joshua Agu. (Eha-Amufu).
2011-​2013: ​​Afam Celestine Ojukwu. (Oraifite).
2014:​​​Caleb Udochukwu Nwanolue. (Okija).
2015: ​​​Caleb Egbuim.(lgboukwu).
2017: ​​​Jaachimma Chukwuka (Nnewi).

2000:​​​Rev. Canon Godwin Egbuna Agba. (Ezira).
2000-2004:​​Ven. Godfrey A. C. Nwangwu. (Amikwo, Awka).
2004-2007:​​Ven. Innocent Nwokike Ekeyi. (Ebenebe).
2008-2013:​​Ven. John Okechukwukelu Obi. (Nnewi).
2014-2016:​​Ven. Dr. Ernest Chukwudi Ezumezu. (Abatete).
2017:​​​Ven. Dr. Abel Dike (Umueshi, Imo).

1971-1973:​​Rev. Joseph P. C. Okeke (Awka-Etiti).
1971 -1973:​​Rev. Enoch Sunday Umeoranefo (Ekwulumili).
1973-1979:​​Rev. Felix A. A. Eriobuna. (Ihiala).
1984-1986:​​Rev. Daniel Anene. (Awka).
1986-1996:​​Rev. Canon Augustine C. Ezeigwe. Aguluezechukwu).
2000-2003:​​Ven. Prof. Ifeanyi Awa-Madu. (Ihiaia).
2004-​2004:​​Ven. Innocent Nwokike Ekeyi (Ebenebe).
2005-​2005:​​Rev. Canon Cornelius Ogochukwu Nathanael Osuigwe. (Ukpor).
2005-​2008:​​Rev. Canon Samuel I. Ike. (Agulu).
2006-​2006:​​Rev. Simon E. Emelumadu. (Oba).
2006-​2006:​​Rev. Ernest Anekwe. (Uga).
2007-​2007:​​Ven. Israel Okechukwu Igboanusi. (Isekke)
2007-2008:​​Ven. Emmanuel Matthais Chukwukadibia Egbunonu. (Umuchu)
2010-2010:​​Rev. Dr. Alex ljeh. (Lilu).
2010-​2013:​​Rev. Jidekene Njelita Ojukwu. (Ideani).
2011-​Till Date:​Rev. Canon Dr. Nelson Ifeanyi lluno. (Oba).
2011-​2011:​​Rev. Chinedu Ifedigbo. (Awkuzu).
2012-​2012:​​Rev. Canon Emeka IgweiloAnosike. (Nnewi).
2013-​2016:​​Rev. Canon John Ugochukwu Okoli. (Orsumoghu).
2014-​2014:​​Rev. Canon Dr. Maurice Chuks Agu. (Obosi).
2015-​Till Date:​Rev. Canon Barnabas Nwajide. (Alor).
2017-Till Date:​Rev. Vincent Ifemeludike. (Nnobi).

Worshippers at St. Andrew’s DCC, Nnewi who are Knight are listed as follows:
1.​Sir & Lady Boniface A. Ikechukwu. (Niger Diocese).
2.​Sir & Lady Robinson Anagboso. (Nnewi Diocese).
3.​Sir & Lady Christopher Emesim. (Nnewi Diocese).
4.​Sir Geoffrey Okoli. (Nnewi Diocese).
5.​Sir & Lady John Ifebighi. (Ideato Diocese).
6.​Sir & Lady Ezekiel Ibekwe. (Niger Diocese).
7.​Sir & Lady Charles Eziuzo. (Nnewi Diocese).
8.​Sir & Lady Innocent Ozodimbu. (Nnewi Diocese).
9.​Sir & Lady Izuchukwu Nwabueze. (Awka Diocese).
10.​Sir & Lady Daniel Madueke. (Oji River Diocese).
11.​Prof. Sir& Lady E. B. C. Ufodike. (Nnewi Diocese).
12.​Dr. Sir & Lady Samuel Okoli. (Oji River Diocese).
13.​Sir & Lady Gody Okpala. (Niger Diocese).
14.​Sir & Lady Charity Ejidike (Awka Diocese).
15.​Lady Vero Mbonu.
16.​Sir & Lady Osondu Mbaigbo (Nnewi Diocese).

St. Andrew’s DCC has raised capable and Commissioned Lay Readers and Evangelists. They include:
1.​Prince Sir Jonathan O.S. Ufondu.
2.​Prof. Prince Udegbunam Ele. (1998).
3.​Chima Ochulor. (1998).
4.​Hope Ochulor. (1998).
5.​Christopher Emesim. (1998).
6.​Lawrence Udeze (1998).
7.​Emeka Nwandu.
8.​Dr. Uzo Udechukwu (2000).
9.​Amara Obiageli Udechukwu (2000).
10.​Innocent Ozodimbu. (2000).
11.​Dr. Mrs. Ethel Okwuorah. (R/L1998, Evang. 2000)
12.​Godson Ezeugo (2002).
13.​Emmanuel Okeke.
14.​Festus Onwuaso Igwe. (2002).
15.​Chika Ukeh (2002).
16.​Stephen Okechukwu Onwurah. (2011).
17.​Chukwuemeka Okpala. (2011).
18.​Cyril Chukwudubem Onuorah. (2011).
19.​Sopulu Okoliocha. (2011).
20.​Ifeanyi Samuel Okafor. (2011).
21.​Gladys Nwamaka Uzoukwu. (2011).
22.​Ifeanyichukwu Odoabuchi. (2011).
23.​Emma Oforgu. (2011).
24.​Arinze Nwosu. (2014).
25.​Okechukwu Nwankwo (2014).
26.​Dr. Uzo Ebenebe. (2015).
27.​Ebere Nwachukwu. (2015).
28.​Godwin Onuchukwu Okafor. (2015).
29.​Osmond Nnabuchi. (2015).
30.​Victor Ifeonu. (2015).
31.​Chidinma Theophilus. (2015).
32.​Oluchukwu Uchendu. (2015).
33.​Patricia Ngozi Okonkwo. (2015).
St. Andrew’s Church (DCC) was inaugurated a special Archdeaconry in 2004. Now it is an Archdeaconry of two parishes, namely, St. Andrew’s DCC Parish, and Our Saviour Parish, Abubor, Nnewichi.


1. Model Primary School, DCC, Nnewi
2. King’s Creche, Nursery & Primary School.
3. King’s Secondary School.
4. Alive Unto God School Of Mission, Evangelism and Theology (AUGSMET)
5. Diocesan Special Education Centre.
6. Pentecost Microfinance Bank.




Good Morning Jesus – 5:30am
English Service – 6:30am
Igbo Service – 9:00am
Follow-Up Studies – 2:00pm
Boys Brigade & Girls Brigade – 4:00pm
Women Ministry Fellowship – (ONLY FIRST SUNDAYS) – 4:00pm

AYF – 4:00pm
Men Of Grace – 5:00pm

Choir Practice – 5:00pm

Jesus Healing School – 9:00am
Men’s Fellowship – 5:00pm

YMCF – 4:30pm
EFAC – 5:00pm

Counseling & Deliverance – 9:00am
Friday Class – 5:00pm

Morning Blessings – 5:30am
Choir Practice – 5:00pm


They are as follows;

1. Completion of the Beautification of the Church Compound.
2. Completion of The Parsonage Building.
3. Creation of Road Inside The Church Complex.
4. Remodeling The DCC Field.


St Andrews Church, DCC, Nnewi, Anambra, Nigeria

1. Rector:​ Ven. Obikobe Rowland
2. Registrar: ​Ven. Dr. Ugochukwu Okafor

1. Olisaeke Chukwudi

Echezona Nwafuluaku

Mrs Pauline Nzelibe

Prayer Request Form
Book An Appointment
Suggestion Box
Complaint Box

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Anambra, Nigeria

St Andrew’s Anglican Church DCC Nkwo Nnewi, St Andrew’s Anglican Church Nnewi, Anglican Churches in Nnewi, Anglican Churches in Anambra, Anglican Churches in Nigeria, Diocesan Church Complex Nnewi,

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