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Rev. Dr. Daniel Ihunanya Ilechukwu is a Priest of the Diocese of Nnewi, Anglican Communion, who has dedicated his life to serving the Lord and his country. He is also an academic Dr and a Senior Lecturer teaching Igbo language grammar and translation, at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, Nigeria. Ordained in 2020, Rev. Dr. Daniel Ihunanya Ilechukwu had served in the diocesan educational institutions such as Carol Standard Convent, Ichi from 2007 – 2022 and Anglican Girls Secondary School, Nnewi, from January 2023 – January 2024, respectively. In those institutions he suceeded in moulding the spiritual lives of millions of girls to the glory of God. Presently serving at St. Philip’s Anglican Church, Okofia Otolo Nnewi, as a curate, where he shares his passion and expertise in theology and ethics. As a PhD holder, and a senior lecturer at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, he has been teaching courses on Igbo syntax, semantix, morphology, phonology, interface studies, translation, etc. His research focuses on Igbo language grammar, translation and theology. Rev. Dr. Daniel Ilechukwu’s ministry is characterized by his compassion, emparthy, wisdom and ability to connect with people and solving their spiritual and academic problems. He honours God with his life, and widely known for his discerning ear and guiding hand. Rev. Dr. Daniel is a professional translator and has conributed in many occasions in translating the Church of Nigeria’s Bible Study Outline from English to Igbo for the Diocese of Nnewi, Anglican Communion. He also translated the National Anthem, pledge, Diocesan anthem from English to Igbo for Carol Standard Convent, Ichi. He has published many articles in Igbo in the DONACPILOT newspaper being managed by the Diocese of Nnewi, Anglican Communion. He has also published over sixty academic articles in institutional journals and feschrifts. In His free time, Rev. Dr. Daniel enjoys reading spiritual and academic books, observing a quiet time with the Lord, and spending time with his family. He is a loving husband to his wife – Chiamaka, and a devoted father to his children – Bethel, Carol, Marvelous and Divine. To God be all the glory.



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Date of Ordination
Current Church Post / Branch
St. Philip’s Anglican Church, Okofia, Otolo, Nnewi
Current Position(s)
Curate St. Philip’s, Chaplain Girls’ Guild and Chaplain Moral Instruction, Otolo Central Archdeaconry.
My Hobbies

Preaching the gospel, teaching, writing, running, reading the Bible and other spiritual books and washing of cloths

My Special Skills and Talents

a. Powerful faith and spiritual leadership.
b. Strong communication and preaching skills.
c. Potent pastoral care and counselling.
d. Vigourous emotional intelligence and emparthy.
e. Unwavering ability to teach and interprete scriptures.
f. Ability to perform sacraments and rituals.
g. Strong moral character and integrity.
h. Flexibility and adaptability.
i. Interpersonal and relationship building skills.
j. Ability to handle sensitive and confidential information

My Academic Prowess

TRCN, Diploma Theology, B.A (Hons) Igbo, B.TH, PGDE, M.A, PhD.

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Kurmin Musa, Anambra State
Birthday of Chukwudalu Marvelous Ilechukwu
Nnewi, Anambra State