Onah Linus Onyemaechi, fondly called LONA, is a medical laboratory scientist, businessman, and politician. He was born in Imilike, Udenu LGA, Enugu State, Nigeria, to the family of Chief Martin Makata Onah and Susan Nkwo Onah.
– Attended Central School Imilike-Agu and obtained his first school leaving certificate
– Proceeded to Community Secondary School Imilike-Agu, Udenu LGA, Enugu State for his SSCE
– Studied Parasitology and Entomology at Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Anambra State, graduating in 2000
– Served in Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH) during his NYSC
– Studied Medical Laboratory sciences at Federal school of medical laboratory technology, Jos University Teaching Hospital (JUTH).
– Specialized in Virology at the College of Medical Laboratory Technology, National Veterinary Research Institute, Vom in 2006.
– Pursued his master’s degree at the University of Nigeria, Nsukka
– Currently awaiting his PhD conferment in Medical Microbiology from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka
Professional Career:
– Successful Medical Laboratory practice career
– Worked in various diagnostic centers and offered consultancy services in medical and research organizations
– Pioneer Head of Department, Medical Laboratory Sciences, Eucharistic Heart College of Health Technology, Orba, Enugu State
– CEO of LONA Biomedical Center Ltd., a medical diagnostic center with branches in several states
– Resource person in many youth workshops and symposia
Political Career:
– Past president of Guild of Medical Laboratory Directors, Nsukka chapter
– Member of Board of Fellows, Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria
– Vice chairman, Parish Council, St. Patrick’s Parish, Obollo-Afor
– Immediate past vice chairman, Obollo-Afor Deanery Council
– Announced his ambition to contest for Udenu LGA chairman under the Labour Party (LP) in November 2023
Awards and Recognition:
– Award of Excellence by Association of Medical Laboratory Scientists of Nigeria, Enugu branch (2019)
– Merit Award by Catholic Men Organization, St. Patrick’s Parish, Obollo-Afor (2023)
Achievements/Contributions to Humanity:
– Provided quality medical diagnostic services through LONA Biomedical Center Ltd., improving healthcare outcomes in various communities.
– Conducted numerous free medical outreach programs, benefiting thousands of people in rural areas.
– Empowered youths through workshops and symposia, promoting knowledge sharing and skill development.
– Demonstrated leadership and administrative expertise in various roles, including pioneer Head of Department, Medical Laboratory Sciences and CEO of LONA Biomedical Center Ltd.
– Contributed to the growth and development of the medical laboratory science profession through his involvement in professional organizations and associations.
– Showcased commitment to community service through his political career, aiming to address the needs of his constituents.
– Sponsoring Udenu football tournament in 2018.
. Co-built an education centre in Imilike
. Upgrading the Ezimo-Umude road and reconstructing of the Umude/Igbokpubeonu bridge in Imilike
. Donated science equipments to Arch Angel Michael secondary school Imilike-Agu in February 2024
. Furnished Corp member’s Lodge for community secondary school Imilike-Agu.
. Playing a key role in rural electrification, particularly in Ogwu Obollo and the Ugwuenwe electricity management committe, among other initiatives.
. Providing scholarships for deserving students in different institutions
. Making various donations to community projects in Imilike, Consistently supporting church projects
My Posts Life:
– Happily married with children
– Devout Catholic
Friday, day one. 13th September, 2024. Afor
1. Obollo-Eke Ward
Time: 10am – 1pm
2. Ezimo Ward
Time: 1:30pm – 4pm
Saturday, day two. 14th September, 2024 Nkwo
1. Ogbodu-Aba Ward
Time: 10am – 1pm
2. Obollo-Etiti Ward
Time: 1:30pm – 4pm
Monday, day three. 16th September, 2024 Orie
1. Udunedem Ward
Time: 10am – 1pm
2. Imilike Ward
Time: 1:30pm – 4pm
Tuesday, day four. 17th September, 2024 Afor
1. Orba Ward 1
Time: 10am – 1pm
2. Orba Ward 2
Time: 1:30pm – 4pm
Wednesday, day five. 18th September, 2024 Nkwo
1. Amalla Ward
Time: 10am – 1pm
2. Obollo-Afor Ward
Time: 1:30pm – 4pm
Chief Frank Omeje (Campaign DG)
My good people of Udenu Local Government, my name is Mr. Onah Linus Onyemaechi. I am excited to present my vision and manifesto for the people of Udenu Local government. As the Labour Party Chairmanship Candidate for Ude nu Local government council election coming up on 21st September 2024, I am committed to serving all the communities in Udenu, by addressing the pressing challenges we face. I might not be able to reclaim our stolen yesterday, but I will build on our today and empower our tomorrow for a greater Udenu.
Our vision is to Reposition Udenu by transforming Udenu Local Government in to a thriving hub of economic growth, social progress, and environmental sustainability, in order words, Udenu will be transformed into a vibrant urban city.
We will achieve this through:
Revitalizing our market to boost agricultural trade and commerce, viz
– We shall upgrade the existing market structures to meet the model market of an urban hub, with safe and reliable electricity, design mechanism to prevent the cases of fire outbreak. Solar powered motorized boreholes will be provide d in our markets for continuous water supply.
Modern sanitary facilities and w aste management systems will be implemented.
– We shall design and build a modern market that will fit our geographical position as the gateway between the Northern and Southern Nigeria.
– Taking advantage of our geography position as the gateway between the Northern and Southern Nigeria, we shall create the biggest produce trade center in the whole of south East Nigeria, which will be a free produce trade center.
– We shall provide parking space and transportation facilities with modern model, featuring an organized security system with CCTV for 24hrs monitoring, sanitary facilities and waste facilities in our markets.
– We shall leverage on the existing World bank Market Orba, and expand it by building more modern market shops with facilities, to help the over growing trade population and activities that goes on daily, this new buildings will elevate the world Bank market to a 21st century standard. We will partner with Oha-in Council of Orba, World Bank, World Bank Market traders, and other stakeholders to plan and execute this project.
– We take the opportunity of our geographical position and our existing transportation hub as the gateway, to design and build a modern transportation terminal, with digitalized modern facilities, an organized security system that has 24 hours CCTV monitoring, digital manifest system and a health clinic for emergency health of traders and travelers. We will partner with Oha -in Council of 0bollo, Obollo general Assembly, transport stakeholders, trade unions and other stakeholders to plan and execute this project.
– We shall construct at least 50-200 open stalls with modern designs and facilities across the ten Wards of Udenu LGA to encourage agro businesses in hinterlands.
– Our livestock and poultry market section shall be upgraded with modern infrastructure and facilities to curb the health and environmental hazard it is currently facing.
– We shall establish Udenu Economic Development Board (UEDB) to develop a 20 year economic plan, starting from 2024. They will plan and execute the economic plan of Udenu for Udenu people, to attract investors and increase employments opportunities and revenue generations.
– Establish a microfinance scheme to finance small businesses
– Encourage investment in agriculture and food processing by providing training and supports
– We shall build a modern cassava processing plants in all the development centres.
– Analyze, organize and digitalize our tax system to mitigate over taxation, exploitation and illegal collection of taxes.
– We shall also establish an annual trade fair titled Udenu Trade Fair in partners hip with market vendors, manufacturing industries, service industries, State and federal ministries of trade and commerce and other relevant stakeholders.
UEDB will oversee to the planning and effective implementation.
– We shall establish Udenu Special Intervention Fund (USIF) and allocate 15-2 0% of monthly allocation to it and 70% of monthly internally generated revenue to it. The fund will be used to implement projects on Agriculture, human Capital projects and capital projects.
– We shall farm 5000 hectares of Land across Udenu Local government; we wiIl focus on improved varieties of cassava, maize and vegetable and fruits. We will partner with Agric Bank, federal and state ministry of Agriculture, World Ba nk and other agencies to make Udenu a farm destination.
– We shall construct at least a well designed 200 thousand fish pond capacity, keying into our rivers and solar powered boreholes to become the biggest fish market in Nsukka Zone and beyond.
– We shall upgrade the existing cashew processing plant and expand it to meet the cashew market opportunities in Udenu.
To address our infrastructure challenges, we shall implement the following projects:
We shall construct Urban and rural roads to reposition Udenu into an Urban City and connect our communities and villages
– Repair and maintain our existing roads.
– Design and construct drainages to arrest the flooding challenges our people face during the raining seasons at our markets, street and homes.
– Design and construct erosion control infrastructures to mitigate the risk it poses on our roads and villages. We shall partner with international bodies on ec ology and both the state and federal agencies on ecology, to be able to access ecological funds, and projects.
– We shall construct Smart bus stops featuring real time information, CCTV, comfortable sitting areas and shelter.
– Declare Operation lighten up Udenu, and will make sure that there is no single village without electricity, as we will focus on rural electrification, and also re pair and replace any electric facilities that is not functional. We shall partner with relevant agencies and Stakeholder to get Udenu lightened up.
– We shall provide solar powered boreholes across Udenu.
– We shall upgrade the Ezimo water fall, by building a well designed modern facilities at the site, to make Udenu a tourism destination in Enugu State, attract investors, create employment and generate revenues. We will partner with Ezimo general Assembly, federal and state ministry of culture and tourism to Makas it a national destination site.
– we shall secure Lands, design and construct GRA which will be the first organized housing estate in Udenu, to enhance housing, attract real estate investors and turn Udenu to a beautiful Urban city. We will implement this project through Public Private Partnership.
– We shall construct at least a kilometer Recreational center, that will feature a well designed serene walk ways and a lovely picnic environ, sport facilities, chiIdren playing ground and entertainment hub.
– We shall organize an annual Udenu carnival, to increase the tourism activities in Udenu, attract investors and create job opportunities.
The core of our health service delivery package is a strategy to implement an affordable, accessible and sustainable model for the delivery of quality health care, with a focus on maternal, newborn and child health. Because Health is in the concurrent list, our administration will support the state to build the required capacity for the implementation of the national strategic health development plan and address bottlenecks to quality service delivery.
To improve our healthcare system:
We shall build a 50-bed capacity modern hospital.
. We shall upgrade our existing health centers and equip them with modern facilities at the ten Wards.
– We shall renovate and build health posts in communities in Udenu LG.
– Recruit and train more healthcare professionals
– Promote preventive healthcare and sanitation
Udenu Local Government LP administration is poised to improve the planning, financing and delivery of accessible and sustainable pro-poor services for common health problems in all the communities in Udenu.
We shall adopt and implement an innovative, client-focused, sustainable mod el of care that will support the implementation of key interventions aimed at improving access to quality Maternal, Newborn and Child Health services at the community level. The implementation will take a stepwise approach starting with a focal primary healthcare facility in each of the ten wards of our LGA. It is anticipated that the interventions in these focal health facilities will lead to quantifiable improvements in health outcomes, and will make our dear LGA a centre of excellence for healthcare. Below is how different elements of the pro gramme will work to achieve the above result.
By the end of the first 2 years of our administration, this model of care is expected to produce some but not limited to the following results and atleast one primary health facility in each of the 10 wards in our LGA providing services according to the National Primary Healthcare Development Agenc y’s (NPHCDA) minimum service package
& 10 health facilities upgraded to meet the minimum standard for Primary HeaIth Care (PHC) infrastructure according to NPHCDA
& 100 health workers trained on key maternal newborn and child health (MNC
H) service delivery areas including Live Saving Skills, New Born Resuscitation, Family Planning and Focused Antenatal Care.
& 95% of pregnant women in Udenu happily attending antenatal health care (ANC) in primary health facilities in Udenu LGA.
& 95% of women delivered of their babies by skilled personnel in health facilities in the LGA
& 100% of our health facilities having sustainable availability of quality drugs, basic health equipment, medical consumables and laboratory support to provide maternal, newborn and child health services as well as services to other common diseases.
& 100% of primary health facilities in our LGA providing uninterrupted services at all times, including day and night.
To enhance our education system, we shall:
– Renovate, upgrade, and build more modern school blocks in our public school.
– Furnish our public schools with modern and digital school equipment, like smart boards, 24 hours wifi and smart laboratory equipment and others.
– Train teachers on the latest method of teaching using technology.
– Introduce computer literacy and digital skills training.
– Provide educational resources and materials for students.
– Making sure that every school in both public and private sector, must employ and maintain a guidance and counselor, to help students escape the dangers i nherent in children and teenagers in this technology driven era.
– We shall also set up an education monitoring unit, that will be in charge of ma king sure that both the educational and moral aspect of every schools in Udenu are in line with Nigeria National philosophy of Education, and the educational guidelines of the state.
– Scholarship Scheme, through the Udenu Microfinance scheme, Udenu scholarship Scheme will be funded. This scheme will help support students.
To ensure public safety, we shall:
– Leverage on the existing community policing by initiating a more sop histicated security outfits, using technology and training of security personnel.
– Increase surveillance and patrol in strategic locations.
– Collaborate with security agencies to address insecurity.
– Provide training and equipment for our local security personnel.
– Hire the service of Cartographers to design a detailed map of our forests, villages and communities. It will be digitally backed up to be able to provide accurate information to our security agents.
– Secure at least 2-4 drones to help our security agents curb kidnapping and other crimes.
– Support the security agents to curb every illegal activities going in Udenu LG.
– Establish Udenu intelligence units that will be headed by a retired high ranked security officer from the police, military or DSS. The unit shall gather securit y information and transmit to other security agents for action. It shall also in p artnership with others security agents monitor the security activities within Udenu.
– Install CCTV cameras in our markets, junctions and at every entrance and exi ts of our major road. It will have a central control and monitor system, and will be under the operation of Udenu Intelligence Unit.
– Register and maintain a 24 hours toll line which anyone can call for security emergencies and it will be operated by UIU connecting every security office in Udenu LG.
– There shall be a comprehensive digital register with information of all the houses in Udenu to help for easy security services.
Youth Empowerment:
We shall establish UDENU FOOTBALL LEAGUE with a proposed season invest ment of #50 million and the league shall within 1-20 weeks of inauguration for m a league committee, Define the league structure, establish budget, register the league with the NFL and obtain other necessary licenses, develop match s chedule and do every other professional assessment and planning needed for a league. This shall be the first official Local government league in the whole of 774 Local governments in Nigeria, and it shall be promoted and marketed v ery well to attract the visibility it deserves.
– We shall invest in inter secondary schools sports competition to catch our young talents at early stages and invest in them.
– Special talent hunt programs shall be initiated and those with talents shall be empowered.
– Skills acquisition centers will be designated in the four development centers of Udenu Local government, to train and empower Udenu youths.
– More than 1000 youth will be captured in a our 5000 hectares farming program, as they will be trained on the modern Agricultural farming systems, provided with Lands, seedlings, fertilizer, tractors, chemicals and guidance.
– More than 500 youth will be trained in fish farming and empowered.
– An UDENU VOCATIONAL INSTITUTE will be established within 20 months of our administration. The institution will draw her curriculum from 21st century r equired skills. Software Development, Cyber security, Hotel management, event planning, Graphic design, Digital Media, Automotive Mechanic, Electrical, Furniture, Interior/Exterior design, Tailoring, Masonry, Carpentry.
– Workers welfare shall be a top priority in our administration.
To protect our environment, we shall:
– Implement a waste management system, by establishing Udenu Waste Management Service (UWAMS) with at least fifty staff strength.
– Acquire at least two trucks, for the disposal of waste.
– Provide and designate a human-friendly location for waste dumpsters.
– Plant trees and greenery to mitigate flooding.
– Plant trees and designate walkways within our capitals to provide a beautiful environment.
– Encourage sustainable agricultural practices.
– Partner with waste recycling firms to ensure optimum waste management.
To ensure transparency and accountability, we shall
– Regularly engage with our constituents through town hall meetings.
– Train all the local government staff in digital technology.
– Install Digital technology in the council to help transmit from Analog to digital working systems at the Local Government council and it departments.
– Launch Udenu Local government website, where one can access information concerning Udenu and apply for documents.
– Sanitize and reform any department of the Council that is not effective.
– Publish our budget and financial reports.
– Establish an anti-corruption taskforce to monitor what is going and report whoever that is found wanting to the appropriate authorities for prosecution.
– Encourage citizen participation in decision-making, by organizing town hall meetings regularly.
The Projects in this manifesto will not only be funded by the LG Council, as 40% of it will be funded through Public Private Partnership. World Bank, federal and state government; local and international agencies will contribute 20% an d the Council can comfortably fund the remaining 40 to 50 as the case maybe.
We are already making contacts both local and international to see the immediate kick off of projects immediately our government is inaugurated.
Fellow citizens, I and my running mate, Mr Ugwu Kevin Monday urge you to join us on this journey to transform Udenu Local Government. Together, we can build a brighter future for ourselves, our children, and our community and we p romise you that on our watch Udenu shall rise!
Vote Labour Party for a better Udenu!