First, cut off the round ‘caps’ at both ends of the dates and chop each date fruit into small quarter sizes.
Secondly, Put the dates into a clean Pot and pour in 5 cups of clean drinking water in it and cover.
Thirdly, place on a stove to boil for about 45 min, while you stir it as it boils.
Fourthly, remove the date skins that float to the surface and thoroughly mash the dates with any cooking device that can be used to mash yam or potatoe.
Then, Put the mashed dates into a clean and dry net sieve cloth, place it over a clean bowl and squeeze it thoroughly until you have gotten out as much juice as possible from it.
Now, gently pour the juice into a clean pot and place it on a stove, make sure that you put only a little heat by reducing the size of the flame and gently stir the juice until it gets as thick as you desire it to be.
Finally, bring it down from the Stove and pour it into a clean storage Jar or a glass container. NOTE: Glass containers do not breed Germs.
Kindly tell me how yours was and I hope you got it right.
Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.