In a daring sting operation, security operatives in Zamfara State have apprehended a woman identified as Shamsiyya, who was caught red-handed with a cache of ammunition. The suspect, a resident of the Yammacin area in Gusau, was intercepted by Nigerian troops at a checkpoint while attempting to transport the deadly cargo from Hanka to a terrorist hideout.
In a shocking video confession, Shamsiyya revealed that she was recruited by an unknown individual to deliver the ammunition. She claimed to have been kept in the dark about the package’s contents, but admitted to knowing that the ammunition was capable of causing harm. The suspect’s confession has raised more questions than answers, leaving investigators to unravel the complex web of events.
As the investigation unfolds, Shamsiyya has expressed concern for the safety of her two children, stating that she was coerced into delivering the ammunition. Her plea for mercy has sparked a mix of emotions, with some sympathizing with her plight and others questioning her judgment.
As the probe continues, investigators are working to uncover the extent of Shamsiyya’s involvement in the terrorist plot. Her confession has raised questions about the identity of the unknown individual who recruited her and the motivations behind the ammunition delivery. One thing is certain – the investigation is far from over.