Avoid a sticky pasta by adding oil to your water while cooking.
Substitute your dough roller with a wine bottle
Tired of the teary eyes caused by sulphur in onions?, put your onions in the freezer 30 minutes prior to cutting.
Rub lemon juice on your egg before boiling to avoid a cracked shell.
Out of buttermilk? Mix 1 cup of milk with 1 tablespoon of vinegar to make a perfect buttermilk.
Spoiled sour milk can replace your buttermilk or regular milk while baking and you can not tell the difference
Enhance the richness of the soil and proper plant growth with spoiled milk
Cut some chunks of pre – cooked yam, potato etc, to save your salty dish
To save your spicy dish, add more ingredients or mix lemon with sugar and pour into it
Run your overcooked sticky rice by cold water and separate.