See all the requirements to setup your School’s page on Vicilook, below;
- School’s Full Name
- Full Address
- School Motto
- School’s Logo or Badge Coat of Arms (i.e. school uniform badge image)
- Pix of the School Entrance gate, Building, classes, offices & various sections of the school (just as you want it to be)
- School’s Vision & Mission Statement
- School Anthem (Written & Audio)
- School’s Biography (History)
- Admission Requirement
- Subjects you offer for Juniors & Seniors
- Student’s Rules & Regulations
- Student’s Clubs (e.g. Debate Club)
- Student’s Curricular Activities (e.g. Cultural Day)
- School’s Uniform Color
- Admission Form
- Pictures view of past events, classes, students group pix, teachers group pix
- Single pix of current Principal