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Chinyere Onalu is a lecturer and researcher in the Department of Social Work, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. Her areas of research interest is in public health and related issues. She is a member of the African Federation of Social Workers , and Nigeria Association of Social Workers (NAOSW). She has conducted field researches bothering on different topical social issues such as child rights abuse, girl-child education, sex work migration, utilization of PMTCT services, women participation in political leadership, culture-based social support for the elderly, social justice among others.
She has also authored over 30 journal articles and book chapters in different areas of social work. She has attended many local and international conferences and has also participated in many workshops.
Chinyere Onalu graduated in 2008 with a B.Sc from the Department of Social Work, University of Nigeria, Nsukka. She joined the work force of University of Nigeria, Nsukka in 2017 as Assistant Lecturer. Chinyere Onalu is a member of Nigeria Association of Social Workers (NAOSW).
in collaboration with senior colleagues to She is currently engaged in a PhD programme in the department of
Social Work of the University of Nigeria Nsukka.
She has conducted field researches bothering on different topical social issues such as Knowledge of HCT by the Youth, Child rights abuse, sex work migration, Utilization of PMTCT services, Women participation in political leadership, culture-based social support for the elderly by their families, village savings and loan association, hepatitis B and so on. She is also the author of over fifteen journal articles and book chapters in different areas of social work. She has attended many local and international conferences and has also participated in many workshops.
Chinyere Onalu has supervised and graduated five undergraduate students.
She teaches Organizational/Administrative Skills, International Social Work, Industrial Social, Social Work in Rehabilitation and Field work.