• Only your business or Place will be visible on the whole page (OTHER BIZ WILL NOT APPEAR ON YOUR PAGE).

• Call To Book (Phone Number).
• Teaching or Non-Teaching Staff ? (Choice).
• Do You Have A Baking School ? (Choice).
• Is This Page For A Property Or A Company Related To Real Estate ? (Choice).
• What kind of company is this ? (Choice).
• What kind of Property is this ? (Choice).
• Would you like a Vicilook Generated Assurance Form For Tenants to be on this page ? (Choice).
• Would you like a Vicilook Generated Assurance Form For Landlords to be on this page ? (Choice).
• Would you like a Vicilook Generated Assurance Form For Agents Recruitment to be on this page ? (Choice).
• Is this property for Rent / Lease / Sale OR Currently Not Available ? (Choice).
• What Spaces are available ? (Paragraph Text).
• This Building’s Categories (Choice).
• Your Food & Drinks Menu List (Paragraph Text).
• Copy and Paste All Your Research Papers Links Here (Paragraph Text).
• Would you like to have your registration form on your page ? (Choice).
• Write out the Assurance Plan for Tenants (Paragraph Text).
• Write out the Assurance Plan for Landlords (Paragraph Text).
• Write out the Assurance Plan for Property Agents (If Any) (Paragraph Text).
• Our Movie Genres (Choice).
• Is this a place or an office, shop or a building ? (Choice).
• Chamber’s Principal Counsel (Single Line Text).
• Describe How To Get Here (Paragraph Text).
• Phone Number (Phone Number).
• WhatsApp Number (Phone Number).
• Our Work Hours (Single Line Text).
• Full Address (Single Line Text).
• Founder(s) Of This Foundation (Image).
• Trustee Members (Image).
• Do you do deliveries ? (Choice).
• Which locations do you Deliver to & The Delivery Fees (Single Line Text).
• Images of Your Workers (Image).
• My Art Works (Image).
• Art Work Names & Their Prices (Paragraph Text).
• Instruction on how buyers can buy your Art Works from you (Single Line Text).
• Our School’s Head (Image).
• Our Student’s Gallery (Image).
• Current Bulletin for Churches (Image).
• What Do You Offer Primarily ? (Choice).
• Upload Your Available Products (Image).
• Upload Products with REDUCED PRICES (That have few months to Expiration) (Image).
• Upload Images of Your Newly Arrived Items (Image).
• Website URL (URL).
• Public, Private or Partnership Owned (Choice).
• Our Bank Details (Paragraph Text).
• If registered, what’s the reg number (Single Line Text).
• Is This Biz Or Organisation Registered or Not? (Choice).
• Our Food Images (Image).
• Our Food Menu (Written List Format) (Paragraph Text).
• List Of All The Products You Deal On Or Services You Offer (Paragraph Text).
• Videos (Video).
• Do We Do Deliveries ? (Choice).
• Online Booking Link (URL).
• Terminal Bus Routes (Choice).
• Company’s CEO (User).
• Our Staff Team (User).
• Payment Options (Choice).
• Movie Trailer (Video).
• Behind The Scenes / Cut-Off Shots / Interviews (Video).
• Destination (Paragraph Text).
• Service Charge (Paragraph Text).
• Are Our Prices Negotiable ? (Choice).
• Is Your Driver’s License Valid & Up To Date (Choice).
• My Driver’s License (Image).
• My Qualifications & Advantages (Paragraph Text).
• Image of Professional Certifications (Image).
• Professional License Number (Single Line Text).
• Image of Awards Received (Image).
• Photos of Special Moments / Activities (Image).
• Doctors on Service (Single Line Text).
• Our Corporate Partners (Paragraph Text).
• Our Corporate Sponsors (Paragraph Text).
• Other Government Licensing Documents (Image).
• Our Motto: (Single Line Text).
• Our Brand Color (Color).
• Do you render Consultation Services (Choice).
• Would you like to offer Virtual Online Consultations ? (Choice).
• Would you like to be paid for Consultations ? (Choice).
• Consultation Services (Paragraph Text).
• Consultation Fees (Paragraph Text).
• Would You Want To Offer Your Customers A Request Form ? (Choice).
• Names Of the Current Priests / Pastors / Workers / Their Phone Numbers / Positions or Office They Occupy (Paragraph Text).
• Upload Your CV / Resume (File).
• Name of School’s Head (Single Line Text).
• Our Programmes (Paragraph Text).
• Would you like to render radio services that customers will pay for via your page ? (Choice).
• Select list of paid services you render (Choice).
• Price Fees Of Our Radio Services (Paragraph Text).
• List Of Unions & Cooperative Groups You Belong To (Paragraph Text).
• List Of Medical Equipments We Have (Paragraph Text).
• Can Church Members Submit Prayer Requests Via Your Page ? (Choice).
• Would You Like People To Privately Make Suggestions To You Via Your Page ? (Choice).
• Our P.O. Box (Single Line Text).
• Our Year’s Theme / Declaration (Single Line Text).
• This Month’s Theme / Declaration (Single Line Text).
• Church Calendar Period (Single Line Text).
• Do You Want People To Send You Complaints Privately (Choice).
• Would You Like Your Customers / Guests / Clients To Book Reservations For Available Spaces Here ? (Choice).
• Would You Want Your Clients, Customers or Patients To Book Appointments To See You Via Your Page ? (Choice).
• Your Available Reservations (Paragraph Text).
• Our Food / Drinks Menu (Image).
• Pictures Of The Works I Have Done Before (Image).
• List Out Ongoing Projects & Events That Needs Financial Supports In The Church (Paragraph Text).
• Body Measurement Guide (Paragraph Text).
• List Of Clothing Designs You Do (Paragraph Text)
Our Classes (Choice).
• Our School’s Anthem (Paragraph Text).
• Upload Your School Anthem (File).
• Would You Want Students To Submit Their Filled School Application Forms Via This Page ? (Choice).
• Would You Like Your Clients To Send You Their Body Measurements ? (Choice).
• Your Refund & Return Policy (Paragraph Text).
• Eye Sight Strength Test (Image).
• Ingredients (Paragraph Text).
• Nutritional Facts (Paragraph Text).
• Our School’s Rules & Regulations (Paragraph Text).
• Subjects We Teach (Paragraph Text).
• Our School’s Etiquettes and Values (Paragraph Text).
• What is this Book’s Genre (Choice).
• Some Of Our Services & Their Fixed Prices (Paragraph Text).
• Upload The Event’s Material (File).
• Our Current Intern / Industrial Training Students (User).
• Patients Visitation Hours (Paragraph Text).
• Produced By (Paragraph Text).
• Marketed By (Paragraph Text).
• Distributed By (Paragraph Text).
• Product Registration Number (Single Line Text).
• Do you want distributors for your products ? (Choice).
• Your Android App Link (URL).
• Product Barcode Number (Single Line Text).
• Net Weight (Single Line Text).
• Do you sell pets too ? (Choice).
• Add Photos of Pets You Sell (Image).
• COVID19 Safety Measures Customers / Guests must adhere to (Paragraph Text).
• Upload PDF format of a paper material that would be distributed to the guest (File).
• Chamber’s Associate Counsels (Paragraph Text).
• Least number of period property can be leased for (Number).
• Lawyer’s Fee (Price).
• Rules for using this property (Paragraph Text).
• List Of Amenities in this Property (Paragraph Text).
• Property Agent Phone Line (Phone Number).
• Do You Currently Have Any Job Vacancies In Your Company / Business / Organisation ? (Choice).
• Rooms / Hall / Space in 360 degree View (Paragraph Text).
• What is the duration for your payment ? (Choice).
• What are the requirements for one to have before one can apply for this job ? (Paragraph Text).
• What are the RULES and REGULATIONS for working in your company ? (Paragraph Text).
• Other Extra benefits for this job (Paragraph Text).
• Daily / Weekly / Monthly Work Duration (Single Line Text).
• Movie Casts (Paragraph Text).
• Movie Crew (Paragraph Text).
• Movie Language(s) (Single Line Text).
• Movie Location(s) (Single Line Text).
• Movie Release Date (Date).
• Popular Stars In This Movie (Single Line Text).
• Movie Watch Duration (Single Line Text).
• Censorship Rating (Single Line Text).
• Company(ies) That Own(s) This Movie (Single Line Text).
• Images of Lawyers in our Chamber (Image).
• Do You Run A Book Club ? (Choice).
• Would you like people to be able to register for your book club from your page ? (Choice).
• Outline Your Club’s Membership Rules, Terms and Requirements (Paragraph Text).
• Your Area Of Legal Expertise (Paragraph Text)
Would you like people to send you Vote Wishes ? (Choice).
• What Is The Election’s Date and Time (Date).
• What is the Election’s Venue (Single Line Text).
• What are the Voting Requirements for this Election ? (Paragraph Text).
• Would you like people to be able to order your product from this your page ? (Choice).
• Product Cost(s) (Price).
• Do You Want Attendees To Be Able To Reserve A Seat or Table For This Event ? (Choice).
• List the Memberships You professionally Belong To (Paragraph Text).
• My Press and Other Media Links (Paragraph Text).
• Do You Want People To Be Able To Financially Support Your Event ? (Choice).
• Do You Want People To Be Able To Rate The Success Of The Event (Choice).
• Upload Your Audio Messages Here (File).
• What kind of Academic Staff are you ? (Choice).
• Would you like to have a Section where you can Chat & Interact with your student directly on your page, which will function as your Online ‘Classroom’ ? (Choice).
• Are you a Vicilook Books Agent ? (Choice).
• What is / are the Special Position / Office You Are Currently Occupying ? (Paragraph Text).
• All Departmental Offices Sharing This Building (Paragraph Text).
• List All That A Student Can Do In This Building (Paragraph Text).
• What Are The Halls, Rooms and Offices In This Building (Paragraph Text).
• Do you want to display an image of your Price List (Choice).
• Upload Price List Image Here (Image).
• Our Other Pages (Reference).
• Priests That Work In This Church (User).
• Priests In Our Church Actively (Reference).
• Would you like to display your products and their prices? (Choice).
• What Kind Of Products Are They ? (Choice).
• My Academic Specialty(ies) (Single Line Text).
• Would you like to have a Private Broadcast section for privately messaging all your Page ‘Followers’ alone ? (Choice).
• Would you like to have a section for Publicly displaying all your activities to the World ? (Choice).
• Would you like to Boost your Page specially? (Choice).
• Our Admission Requirements Document (File)
Are you a Clergy Man ? (Choice).
• Find & Add Your Priest Page (Reference).
• Our Hostel Accommodation Requirements File (File).
• Our School’s Admission Form (Image).
• Our Hostel Accommodation Form (Image).
• School Fees & Other Fees Payment Link (URL).
• Our School’s Facilities (Paragraph Text).
• Our School’s Curricular Activities (Paragraph Text).
• Our Student’s School Clubs (Paragraph Text).
• Upload A Special Ads Image (Image).
• What Days Are You Booked / The Events (Paragraph Text).
• Have You Authored Some Books ? (Choice).
• Find & Post The Books (Reference).
• Payment Portal Link (URL).
• ViciWords for Search Engine Visibility such as Google and Bing (Paragraph Text).
• Vicilook Vicinity Code (Single Line Text).
• Special Day Public Message (Image).
• My Other Vicilook Pages (Reference).
• Chat Room Code (Paragraph Text).

If interested, kindly go back HERE to choose the ADAVANCED PLAN.